St. Paul Ostomy Association is one of the very first affiliated support groups associated with the United Ostomy Association of America. In fact, the official name is "The Archie Vinitsky Affiliate #007 of the United Ostomy Association of America." Archie Vinitsky was a St. Paul, MN, native who started the St. Paul Ostomy Association in 1954 and was one of the founders of the national group.  He was also the first President of the International Ostomy Association in 1976.

Learn more about the history of Archie Vinitsky and the organization of ostomy support groups across the world.

We are a group of individuals who have either an ileostomy, colostomy, or urostomy.  We also welcome our partners/caregivers.  Our experience of living with an ostomy varies from a few weeks to more than forty years.  Meetings are held on the third Saturday of every month in the morning.  After a short "business" meeting we usually have a presenter.  This could be a doctor, an ostomy supply representative, or a few other possibilities.  If there is time after that, we will have a "rap session".  That is a time when we split into three groups according to which type of ostomy we have to discuss ideas, tips, and suggestions for making life easier with an ostomy.

We are the place to come if you NEED ostomy support, and we are the place to come to GIVE support to others with ostomies.